'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path.'

~Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hilarious Family Fun!!!

In addition to being hilarious, it was kind of gross....more for some than others....
Debbie received a silly game from a co-worker for Christmas, so we decided to play it this weekend...there are regular flavored jelly beans & there are disgusting flavored ones in the same color...you spin and take your chances on what flavor you pull out...I think my worst one was 'centipede', which was gross, but not as bad at skunk or dog food...

Was it skunk spray Noah?
Barking yet Ronnie?
Brooke deciding what flavor she got & Diane washing her mouth out
Debbie gagging...don't remember if it was barf, rotten eggs or boogers (she had them all)

the things boys will do for little girls......

Good thing her nail polish washable....

basketball season has ended

another sport has come and gone....
Just like football, the wins were scarce, but with such a young team we just hope they are learning...
We did go out on a high note and won our last game!

Cierra's 3rd Birthday

Our Niece...
Our Godchild... 
Our Missy Lou
is 3!!!

We had a lot of fun at the Barbie Princess party...we even ended the evening dancing....

sickness...icy weather...Catholic Schools Week...

same story...different time...I KNOW it's been a while since I posted...
about a week after Noah's birthday, he got sick & the day after he got sick, I got sick....yuck...
He was on antibiotics for a respiratory infection, and I had type A flu....
..that same week we had delayed school starts due to icy weather...

We also had Catholic School's Week...not many pix...if still wasn't feeling up to par..
we started with open house & ended with the talent show
Kade's class did an awesome job as synchronized swimmers