'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path.'

~Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, January 9, 2010

New Years Eve & Day

For New Years Eve we kept to our tradition of going to Mass, then going to Donnie & Bernadette's house. And as always we had a good time visiting, drinking, eating, and doing fireworks. To add a little excitement to the evening, their water well/pump went out, so there was no water, but it all worked out fine.

On New Years Day, we went to my parent's for lunch which of course included black eye peas for good luck and cabbage for money. The kids did more fireworks, more specifically smoke bombs, and had fun playing together.
The original plan was for us to help Debbie & Louis make sausage on the Saturday after New Year's, but if anyone knows my dad, he doesn't like to wait, especially when you have a perfect day. So Debbie, Louis, Mom, Dad, Diane & I made over 100 links of sausage (and several bags of pan sausage) on New Years Day. And this was only from Louis' deer/hogs.
Brian, Noah, Ronnie & Beau were at the deer lease to get more deer to make more sausage. . . .fun.

1 comment:

Duston said...

What a fun night and a "long" day!