'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path.'

~Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, October 18, 2009

State Champs!!!

St Paul Lady Cardinals are the State Champs in TAPPS 2A Cross Country.Katelynn did great!!!!

She finished 11th out of 84 runners. Her time was 14.49.7 (the girl who finished in front of her for 10th place has a time was 14.49.4 - soooooo close)

Way to go, we are so proud of you!!!
(look closely at the beautiful smile - she got the top braces off on Wednesday)

Katarina, Katelynn

Katelynn, David, Katarina

Katelynn, MoMo (Linda), David, Katarina
Anytime a state championship is won in the city, the team is honored with a celebration parade. They are paraded down main street to the school riding on the fire truck, so we went out to cheer and congratulate them.

1 comment:

Duston said...

Looks like fun times and a great tradition.