This weekend Noah, Brian, Donnie & Beau had a guys weekend at the deer camp. Donnie's employer has a game manged place and they let him go and take a couple of guys, like his nephews, with him. This was Noah's first time to go hunting where he was doing the shooting. On Thursday evening Brian took him out and let him practice shooting the rifle, so when Friday came, he was ready. On Friday they got out of school and off of work at noon, so they packed the truck up and headed out. Noah called me about 4:30 that he already shot one, I could hear the pride in his voice as he was telling me all about it. He said he shot it in the neck and it dropped like a rock. I asked if he was scared shooting the gun, he said no because he shot it the day before. Brian said that after Noah shot, he looked over at him and said "I got it!".
On Saturday morning Noah shot another one, and Beau and Donnie each got one too (Brian only went to be there with Noah, he wasn't shooting).
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