'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path.'

~Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Aggie Game Day

We went to the Aggie Game Saturday and had a Great Time!! (thanks MoMo & PoPo)!! We left early (7 am-too early for a Sat morning), because we wanted to go to Brooke's apartment, and then to march in. Well, we didn't quite make it in time for the step off, but did get to see some of it - - Noah was in awe, and loved it - I think he would have enjoyed it even more if we would have made it in time to see the band take off (oh well, maybe another time). The game was fun, and we beat the hell outta Baylor! One of the boy's favorite things is the fly overs -- they had a special treat because this game had one before the game, and one at half time. After the game we met up with Steven & Olsen down on Kyle Field where the boys tossed the football around & tackled each other. This was Noah & Kade's first time on the field so they were really excited and had a blast. Then we went out to eat with Brooke & Adam, and then went to the mall. When we were leaving the mall, they noticed Jarvorskie Lane in one of the stores, so he autographed Noah & Kade's tickets for them. We ended the day going back to Brooke's apt before hitting the road and getting back home around 10:45. You're probably asking why we didn't just spend the night/weekend there, well, when one of you is a high school football coach, all you get is day trips - and you're lucky to get that.

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