'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path.'

~Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Scrimmage time....

We had our first scrimmage on Saturday...our guys did good, but.....we're a very young team, so it will be an interesting year...

Noah did really good, and played a lot!

and Kade did a good job at water boy too!

Monday, August 12, 2013

First Day of School

I Can Not Believe It....
Not only that summer is over and school has started, but also that Noah is a Freshman and Kade is in the 4th grade....and no, I'm not getting older, they are :-)

The 1st day went good 
(that's the only word I get from the boys)
When they got home (after 7 pm), they were starving, and tired, luckily day one didn't bring any homework...

Meet the teachers & the Cardinals!

...we met all the teacher, we attended the mandatory parent meetings, and we met the Cardinal athletes...

Monday, August 5, 2013

the garage sale

I T-Totally HATE garage sales....but....I love my family more...
They were planning a garage sale for next weekend, but on Thursday they realized that it was this (past) weekend, so we pulled it all together on Friday, then got up Way Too Early on Saturday, and sat out in the heat all day, all in all, it wasn't too that bad (but I still don't like garage sales)
Cierra put sticker all over herself...but notice, there's not price on them....she's priceless
and she modeled a few shoes throughout the day too

annual checkups.....

...these two are growing way too fast for this mama....
...they also make the nurse at the doctor's office feel old, since she watched them grow from babies into the young guys they are now...
...from last year's appt, Noah gained 12 lbs....not sure where, but that's what the records show...he also grew 1/2 an inch...he says that's because the screw in his ankle is 1/2" thick...
...and Kade, well, he's at 'that age'...he's 19 lbs more that last year and grew 2 1/2 inches...
...and they both are healthy as ever...