'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path.'

~Proverbs 3:5-6

Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Party

20 First Graders,
8 cousins / friends,
9 adults,
1 Happy Birthday Boy!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Kade is 7

It's hard to believe that our baby is 7 years old.
He's had a countdown on all week -
we started the morning by waking him up and singing to him, then he got to blow out a candle in a mini muffin. I offered to take them to school this morning, but he said he wanted to go to Granny's (like usual) because they usually have a candle and sing to him there too.
We're having a school party for him after school today - he's so excited - I hope he can concentrate on his school work today....
Happy 7th Birthday Baby Boy!!
We Love you to the moon and back!

Sportin' It

Look what I'm sportin'......
my new 'So Loved' tee shirt
oh, and the vehicle is new too

I'm lovin' both of them!!
The tee is from the fundraiser to bring our nieces home that I mentioned a few posts ago.
And the vehicle...it's a 2011 Chev Tahoe, the color is Mocha, and is such a sweet ride.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter with the L family

It was a fun Easter Day at MoMo & PoPo's

Kite flying

Egg Hunt and confetti eggs

Just Dancing...

Happy Easter!!

Thanks Easter Bunny for the Goodies - - - But most of all, thank you dear Jesus Christ for dying on the cross for our sins.

Easter with the S Family

There was egg coloring....
washer pitching....
egg hunting....and silly string & confetti eggs....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Silly Girl!

My silly niece, Juliette loves playing with photo booth on my computer - she tries to 'surprise' me and takes silly pictures of herself.
The first time it was a hilarious surprise, the 2nd time I caught her, so a few others joined in on the fun. I told her that I would probably use them against her one day, but she didn't care.
She is currently at the top of our thoughts and prayers because she's a the Surgery Center having her adenoids removed.
Debbie (who works there) sent me a message that Brooke was there waiting with them, and she had her camera, so Juleitte was once again taking some fun pictures.