Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Conner is 5
Debbie's Birthday
(also congrats to her & Louis....our newest little nephew or niece is due in February)
Safety Fun
Monday, August 16, 2010
First Day of School
Kade was a little nervous too, but didn't want to show it. However he did ask silly questions, and kept watching the time, and reminding me what was said at the meeting about drop off times and pick up times. We walked to Noah's room first, then to Kade's room. He didn't say much, but I could tell he was unsure. Then Mrs. K came in the room and said Kade's here, and he got a big ol' smile on his face. She had a school bus picture on their desk so he sat down to start coloring. For the past two year his class has been split, but this year they have 22 and are all in one room. I think he will have a great year and am really excited about it.
I couldn't wait for 4:00 to get here - they get out at 3:35 and Granny picks them up, so at 4:00 I called to see how their day went.
Noah said his first day was "eh". He said the teachers just basically talked. When we got home he went into a little more detail (with my asking). His schedule did have to change a little - they were supposed to have Religion 1st and Homeroom 2nd, however his Religion teacher has a different grade's homeroom 1st period, so they switched it. In one class they had to say their name their favorite color, food, hobby, and one thing they did over the summer - he said the teacher (a coach) gave him a high five because some of his favorites were the same as his. He's looking forward to athletics because the get to play football during that period. He and his friends have picked up where they left off, and I think he'll have a great year. The only homework he had was to read the 1st chapter of Genesis for Religion.
When I talked to Kade on the phone he said his day was good (the usual response I get). When we got home he told me a lot more. When I asked about homework, he said I have a paper for you to sign for my homework. So he and I sat down and went over the rules on the sheet and then we both signed it. As I was reading it he was telling me what it said, so I know he was listening when Mrs. K was going over it in class. He already brought home some papers he colored......(note to self - box up Kindergarten papers so 1st grade papers have a place to go)
I'm so proud of my boys, and I hope the have another great school year!!!
Getting Ready....
...with much objection...
![]( handsome...
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Meet the Teachers
Noah will be in the 6th grade so we followed his schedule and met all of his teachers (even though we know them too), it was good to know his schedule and see which classrooms he will be going back and forth between. I'm worry a little more about him....he's all boy and tends to 'forget' to bring things home - things like books, homework, etc., and this year the teachers are also teaching them independence and responsibility. I know he will be fine but it's my job as his mom to worry.....I'll just have to keep coloring my hair to hide all the grays..
He's kind of bummed because he won't get to play football this year. Usually at our small Catholic school, the 6th graders get to play football, but because we have a large number of boys in grades 6-8, the 6th graders won't get to play.
(I had problems loading pictures....and I'm too tired to keep trying)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
My New, New Camera
Oh, and another reason I really love it....the difference in price.
My two favorite subjects weren't home so I had to resort to another....
These are the flowers that I got on Friday, I can't believe how pretty they still are.
Monday, August 9, 2010
All Tied Up...
So, Yeah Kade! he finally mastered the skill of tying shoes.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
School Suppiles
I can't believe how fast the summer has gone by.
This year we are re-using a lot of the supplies from last year - when they brought their things home in May, some of it seemed like it was hardly touched, and both their backpacks are in good shape and can make it another year. They are boys, so they are fine with it. I also looked in my supply closet and found some new supplies that I got on sale last year, so we didn't have to buy much. For the things they did need, Aunt Net bought it, she's so cool.
The goal for today.......
He grew a lot, but when he did, he stretched up and thinned out.
We did get rid of a some, and then we re-organized it so all of the school spirit shirts are easy to get to since school will be starting soon.
We also did a little cleaning too - although it doesn't look like it in the pictures, the boys did help in both their rooms and closest.