'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path.'

~Proverbs 3:5-6

Sunday, November 29, 2009

It's beginning . . . .

. . . . . to look a lot like Christmas!
The lights are on the house, the stockings are hung, the decorations are out, all that's left to do is the tree. I love this time of the year!

Thankful, Relaxing, Successful

That is how our Thanksgiving holiday was.
Thankful . . . . .We are so thankful/grateful for all the blessings God has bestowed upon us. . . .
Relaxing . . . . . We had a great lunch at my parents on Thursday and supper at Brian's parents on Friday.
On Thursday, Brian & Noah and MoMo & PoPo went to the Aggie football game. What a game it was! Even though we were outscored the Aggies gave the horns a run for their money.
Successful . . . . . Early Friday morning mom, Debbie, Diane, Brooke & I went Black Friday shopping. I was successful in completing most of my Christmas shopping (I only have a couple of gift cards left to get). I have also made and ordered Christmas photo cards not only for myself, but for my sister, Brian's brother, his mom. Yippee! I hope to sit back and enjoy the month of December reflecting on the real reason for the season.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Play

The kindergarten and first grade classes put on the annual 'First Thanksgiving' play yesterday. Kindergarten was the Indians and 1st graders were the Pilgrims.
Kade was so excited about it, he kept asking if we were going to come (we wouldn't have miss it), and he called & invited Granny and MoMo & PoPo, who all came and enjoyed it too. They were so cute and did a great job. Oh, and their big line . . . . . "How"

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Race Day

No, not NASCAR - although today is the last race of the year.
It was such a beautiful day that we had to get out and enjoy it. The boys pulled out one of their old toys and had a blast with it.
Kade all decked out in a Halloween costume and football helmet (have to be safe) was the driver, and Noah wearing the helmet from the costume was the crew, actually he was the motor.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Big Sis's Birthday

Well, technically she's smaller than me, but older sis's birthday didn't have the same ring to it.
Her birthday is this weekend as is her and Ron's anniversary, they are going out of town so we had supper and cake at mom & dad's tonight. Happy 45th & 22nd - hope it's a great one!

Wow, Where Have I Been?

Well I've been busy and by night when I have time, either Brian's on the computer or I'm just to darn tired . . . . .
last week Kade was a little under the weather - he woke up Monday morning with a low grade fever and a tummy ache, along with diarrhea, so I decided to keep him with me. He felt better Tuesday & Wednesday, but only made it until about 1:30 each day, Thursday he woke up crying again that he didn't want to go to school so I called the doctor and took him in. They said he probably just had the bug. He's doing fine, he's made it everyday this week so far.
On a fun note, Brian & I had off Wednesday and we went shopping and are about 90% done with our Christmas shopping - yippee!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

The BIG game

We Won!! We Won!! We Won!!!
We had our BIG rival game this weekend, it's been several, several years since we won, but that ended this weekend. It was an awesomely, exciting, emotional game. One of our guys was injured and taken to a local hospital by EMS (he's okay), this fired our guys up even more to play that much harder. So, final score - St Paul 29 - Sacred Heart 28

Friday, November 6, 2009

Smiling Down. . .

We know God is always looking down and smiling down on us, but certain times just stand out more that other, like yesterday and today.

Yesterday Kade’s class went on a field trip to the corn maize. He was so excited to go, and couldn’t wait. His cousin went the day before and gave him pointers and hints and reminded me to send him so money. I gave him $5, and Granny snuck and extra dollar in his pocket and off he went. When he got home he was excitedly telling us about all that they did there. He then told us that he bought a little fan and his buddy Cody only had $1, but lost it, and was very sad, so he gave him the $3 he had left. (How sweet) Then, another little boy was crying and very sad because his parents didn’t give him any money, so Kade gave him the little fan he bought for himself. . . .our precious child with a heart so big came home with nothing. My heart was breaking when he told me and looked at me with those big blue eyes and I just hugged him and told him how proud I was of him to be so kind and giving and that Jesus is definitely smiling down on him and very proud of him too.

It was very, very foggy this morning. I hate it when it’s this bad, but I just pray for the safety of all of us on the road.
There’s one area that I have to take a left off of a county road, across traffic on to the highway, usually not bad, but when it’s foggy it can be bad. So, I’m stopped at the stop sign, I turn the radio off and roll the windows down to help me hear if a vehicle was coming. I look to the right, it’s ok. . . . I look to the left, it’s ok . . . to the right again – car . . . . to the left again – car, car, car (could have been trucks, but car is shorter to type). Okay, it all looks ok now, so I say “Dear God, Please protect me”, and I go . . . . . I get across the highway on to the opposite shoulder and look in mirror and see headlights about a car length behind me, and I also see that the lights are at 18-wheeler, yes, I punched it and thanked the Dear Lord for protecting me.
When I got to town I saw that it was not only one 18-wheeler, but 3!!!! THREE BIG TRUCKS from the same company convoying. I definitely know the Lord was looking down on me this morning.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

MoMo's Birthday

We celebrated MoMo's birthday today. We had dinner plates from a local fundraiser, then had cake and gift and now the boys and MoMo & PoPo are playing Wii.
Happy Birthday MoMo, We Love You!

Monday, November 2, 2009

An Evening Out

We are so loving this weather.
This evening the boys wanted to light a fire in our fire pit, and I'm so glad we obliged. We enjoyed left over chili sitting around the fire, talking , enjoying the wonderful evening and the beautiful full moon.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


What a GREAT Halloween!!!
We had sooooo much FUN!!!
When we talked about getting together for dad's birthday, mom said she wanted to do it on Saturday - Halloween, so I decided it would be fun if we made it a costume party. Everyone (except dad) thought it was a fun idea, so we went with it. It was hilarious and a blast!!!
The weather was perfect . . . . we visited . . . . we laughed . . . . . and laughed some more . . . . we went on a hay ride . . . . we had a polka dance . . . you just never know what we'll do when we all get together, but it's a guarantee that it will be a great memory making, picture taking event, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Soccer Season comes to a close

(yay) It was a fun soccer season, but it's always nice when it comes to a close.
Both boys had their last game Saturday morning, then we had the end of season party. All the players were recognized and presented a participation trophy, then treated to a hot dog lunch.
Noah was so proud because he's the only one that the coach said something about. She said that he did a great job on the field talking to the other players and keeping them motivated and in the game.
Kade's coach didn't say anything, but I know she could have praised him for doing a great job too. I know this because I was his coach. :)

Celebrating Dad

Friday was my daddy's 68th birthday. We were having the family celebration the next day, so that evening we put a candle in one of the pumpkin bars and sang to him. He thought we were crazy, but then again he always does - we just tell him we come by it honestly. Love you daddy / PawPaw!!

Pumpkin yum!

I found a cute, yummy-looking recipe for pumpkin bars online and just had to try it.
I had the day off Friday because of Kade's saint program so I mixed up and baked a batch. By the time the kids got out of school they were cool enough to decorate. They enjoyed decorating and eating them, and the decorated bars turned out oh so cute.

Saints Program

At school on Friday some of the classes participated in a program for all Saints Day. The kindergarten and 2nd grade dressed up as saints, while other classes did a skit on a specific saint. Kade and two other little boys were Saint Blaise - Kade and the other kindergartener had to say "I am Saint Blaise" then the second grader said something about the saint. It was so cute and they all did a great job.