This morning went really well. Neither wanted to get up, but once they got up and going they were fine. Brian made breakfast as I got them dressed, then we gave them each a card to let them know how proud of them we are. Kade did really good, when we drove up at school he said that he wished that he wouldn't have to go to school, but that was it. We went in his classroom and put his folder in his cubby, and his backpack on his shelf, gave his teacher a hug, then went to his table. As he sat down we noticed that the little girl that sits across from him was under the table - Mrs. Scott ask is she was ready to come out yet, and said No, Ok, and left her under there - hopefully this won't effect him. We gave him hugs and left - Brian said that he watched me walk all the way out, and kept a close eye on him too. We didn't want to go back and check because I don't think he would have let me leave again. MoMo (Brian's mom) works at the school and said she may check on him around 10, then we will pick him up at noon.
We did walk Noah to his class room, but when we got there the teacher had everyone in their seats sitting quietly, not we barely got to tell him bye.
Brian & I picked Kade up at noon and he was so happy to be done. When I walked to the room, I heard him say "MOM!" then he told his teacher, "There's My Mom". She said they had a good day, there were a few tears, but she talked to him and he was fine.
His comments about the day were:
Kade: "oh mom, we did a weather report today"
me: "really?"
Kade: "yeah, but I didn't get to do it, I had to wipe down tables, how Boring is that . . wiping tables!"
Brian or me: did you meet new friends today? (meaning if the class introduced themselves)
Kade: no, when the girl finally came out from under the table I asked if she wanted to be my friend, and she didn't answer, so I guess not.
At 3:30 we went and picked Noah up - he had a good day. He did come home with a little spelling homework and said that he is going to have a math quiz on Tuesday - they just jump right in! After seeing them all quite and in their desks this morning, Brian asked if they all stayed quite, Noah said no, but he did, and that he was listening so when it came to the questions being asked he knew the answers right away - - - oh, if this would only last past the first day, I know in the upcoming days he will be right along with the others and talking :)