'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him and He will make straight your path.'

~Proverbs 3:5-6

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

After mass this evening, the boys went with MoMo & Katelynn & Katarina trick or treating. The are having a Great time - I'm sure they are on a pretty good sugar high by now ;)

Monday, October 29, 2007

13th Anniversary

"And now these three remain:
faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love"
1 Corinthians 13:13
Celebrating with you a marriage built on the GREATEST foundation - God!
Brian & I celebrated our 13th Anniversary today,
and we're looking forward to many, many more.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Preparing for Opening Weekend

This coming weekend is the opening weekend of deer season, to some people it's a holiday, to my hubby it's just a nice get away after football. We spent most of the day today at the lease getting things ready - it was really nice just having the four of us spend the day together. Later in the afternoon MoMo & PoPo and the girls came out there, and we drove around a little - the kids got excited when we saw a deer.

The Big Game

This weekend was the Big Game - one, because we played our long time rivals Sacred Heart, and two, it was Beau's last game on the home field. It was a good game, but we couldn't pull it out, the final score was 16-7.
Beau's the quarterback # 11 - we're so proud of him!

Lookin' Good Net

I know my sister is going to "kill" me - but what the hey - it's payback for all the sugar she had in their treat bags. She always has the nieces & nephews put their costumes on before she will give them their "treats". So they made her join them this year.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Friday Night Football Scoreboard

St Paul Cardinals 28 - Katy Pope John 0
Brahmas 35 - Edna 41 :(

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

Friday was a student holiday, so I took the day off and spent it with the boys. We went to Victoria, and started off at the Pumpkin Patch - we had fun taking pictures, and looking at all the different pumpkins - they each picked out a couple of pumpkins, and we were on our way. We then went shopping for costumes and just had fun looking at & playing with all the Halloween stuff at the stores. It also worked out to where we were able to have lunch with some friends, which was Great! We ended out day in Victoria with a trip to the park.

When we got the pumpkins, they gave each of the boys a little handout with coloring pages, and it had the following - I know I've seen emails with this before, but I wanted to share again.
Jack-O-Lantern Steps
Step 1: Pick a Pumpkin.
(God picks all of you!)
Step 2: Wash off any dirt.
(God washes away your sins.)
Step 3: Cut off the top & Scoop out the yucky stuff.
(God gives us scripture & the spirit to help us keep bad
stuff out of our lives.)
Step 4: Carve a smiling face.
(God gives us a reason to be happy & enjoy a life with purpose.)
Step 5: Put a candle in the pumpkin.
God becomes the light in our lives to shine for others to see.)

Happy Birthday Net!

Today was my sister's birthday - just a quiet day at mom & dad's -- well not exactly quiet with 3 little boys there :)

Friday, October 12, 2007


Brahmas 48 - Weimar 14
St Paul 48 - St Gerard 7

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Battle of the Classes

At our small school, the high school classes participate in different activities in battle of the classes. The classes battle against eachother in volleyball, water balloon toss, sack races, and ends with tug-of-war over a mud pit. After the activites, almost everyone participating ends up in the mud - whether they want to or not.

Our new baby. . . calf that is

Our cow finally had her calf -the boys and I were playing in the backyard and we happen to notice the new little baby. When we went check on them, Sheba came up to us, so the boys started pulling grass and feeding her. Oh by the way, it's a boy. . . we think we're going to name him Smokey.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


This weekend was homecoming at both schools - Brahmas won their game Friday night 21-20 and St Paul won Saturday 46-0.
Brooke being last year's homecoming queen had to crown this year's queen, and Beau, being a senior was one of this year's escorts.
In addition to football games, we had a busy week. . . . Noah had soccer two nights, Katelynn cheered at the Jr High football game one evening, we (SPH) had the homecoming parade & pep rally, and Katelynn & Nicolette played in the Jr. high volleyball tournament (and won 1st & 2nd places). And today we had our school festival and battle of the (high school) classes. So between kids, nephews, and nieces, we haven't been home much - and I'm too tired to write more.