Our little guys are a couple of tough guys who have had one heck of a week, and have the bandages to prove it.
Sunday - Noah stepped on a broken jar at Granny & PaPa's. The mouth of the jar was broken and when he stepped down on some of it, the other part came up and poked and cut his foot pretty good. He freaked out when he saw all the blood, but then he was okay. Later in the afternoon when Aunt Debbie (our RN) came, she looked at it and said that we should have taken him in for stitches. But, by that time it was too late, so we've just been keeping it clean and bandaged up.
Monday - Kade slammed his finger in the car door and it was stuck, Juliette had to open the door to get it out. But it wasn't anything that a little ice and a SpongeBob band-aid couldn't cure.
Then, this evening, Kade was playing with Beau, and wanted to ride on the bike with him, so they did, and somehow when the handle bars were turned Kade fell off and his leg ended up between the tire and the tire bar. It took 3 of us to get his foot/leg out. He screamed and cried for a while, but we went home and he was fine. We didn't know if we should take him in for x-rays or not, but Brian did all the checks he does on his football players, and Kade said it hurt, but didn't cringe or scream to any of them, and he's been walking on it, and moving it around quite a bit.
We're thanking God and counting our blessings that we've made it this far without having had to make Any trips to the ER - this was our first real scare and thoughts of taking them there. Funny thing, the boys cried more about not wanting to go to the ER than they did for their actual injury.